Conference Presenting
“Embodying Untold Stories: Dance and Performance Ethnography”
– American College Dance Association (ACDA) Regional Conference (March 2019)
“on the lip of my lung: Interrogating artifice in performance”
– Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference Creative Showcase (February 15, 2019)
“Private Sphere: Accessing underrepresented historical subjects through embodied research”
– Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference Creative Showcase (February 16, 2018)
– American College Dance Association (ACDA) Regional Conference (March 2019)
“on the lip of my lung: Interrogating artifice in performance”
– Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference Creative Showcase (February 15, 2019)
“Private Sphere: Accessing underrepresented historical subjects through embodied research”
– Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference Creative Showcase (February 16, 2018)